Join now as a Frequent CityShopper

FREE SIGN UP as a Silver member and download our E-card to become our Frequent CityShopper!

To register, please visit the CityLink Mall Concierge Desk (Floor B1, operating from 10.30am to 9.30pm daily).


What is Frequent CityShopper?

Frequent CityShopper is a points-based rewards programme by CityLink Mall, allowing qualified members to earn points as they shop and dine at CityLink Mall and to qualify for shopping vouchers.

Types of Memberships

Gold Membership

  • Minimum spend for eligibility: $3000 per 12 consecutive months
  • 50 points (S$500 spent) = $10 CityLink Voucher
  • 100 points (S$1000 spent) = $25 CityLink Voucher
  • $20 voucher upon qualification of Gold membership
  • $10 voucher on birthday month

Silver Membership

  • 50 points (S$500 spent) = $10 CityLink Voucher
  • 100 points (S$1000 spent) = $25 CityLink Voucher


  • FREE SIGN UP as a Silver member and spend $3000 over the span of 12 months to qualify as a Gold member.
  • Receipts must total a combined nett value of $30 per transaction. The receipts must all be provided with attached credit card/NETS charge slips if payment is not by cash. Transactions made by vouchers/gift cards as well as receipts for payment of bills, SORA, Silvermalt, Hark Music, medical/dental services, top up cards, banking transactions or purchase of gift vouchers and tenant membership cards are not accepted.
  • Any receipt can only be used for one member’s qualification regardless of total amount spent exceeding qualifying purchase amount.
  • Registration must be done in person at the CityLink Mall Concierge Desk. The concierge desk is located at B1, operating from 10.30am to 9.30pm daily.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any individual from this program at its discretion, without giving any reason whatsoever.

Membership Validity

  • SILVER Membership is a lifetime membership.
  • Membership shall be extended for a period of twelve months with minimum spend of $3000 for Gold membership.
  • Members who do not meet the requirements will not be eligible for renewal.
  • Upon expiry of membership, all loyalty points or privileges that are not redeemed shall expire and be forfeited.
  • The member may terminate his/her membership at any time by giving a written notice to the Organiser. The organiser will terminate the membership within 3 working days after receiving the written notice. Similarly, any loyalty points that have not been redeemed will be forfeited.